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DCS Annual Meeting members step past the crime scene tape

June 10, 2024

The LASD Homicide Bureau will be the guest speaker (tentatively scheduled) at this year’s DCS Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 29, at 1:00 p.m. CFMB deputies and DCS staff are excited to have members together in one place. Even better, lunch will be provided by the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Foundation, which is hosting a taco truck-catered lunch on the station patio. “This event honors significant hours milestones of select DCS members while honoring the work of all our DCS volunteers. The department appreciates the commitment to service we hear on the air every week,” said Sgt. Daniel Hoyos. “This is a chance to get back together with fellow members and celebrate our work. We hope everyone will attend!” Check your email for the official invite and RSVP details.

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